The Guest House Ocala in Silver Springs
The Guest House Ocala in Silver Springs, Florida provides the highest concierge style treatment services to those who suffer from trauma and underlying issues.
Silver Springs, Florida.
Kleen360’s service
Disinfection & Viral Remediation.
52 acres estate housing a main living area of about 5000 sqft, Cafeteria/Restaurant, and 8 small houses. Total area serviced was about 11,000 sqft.
- The major challenge for Kleen360 was to accommodate the client’s doctor-patient meeting schedule and perform the DVR services around it.
- Since it was a rehabilitation centre, the DVR had to be done without disturbing their everyday operations.
- Overspray was to be strictly avoided in certain areas.
Customized equipment including Electrostatic sprayers.
A team of 2 well acquainted with the client’s facility type.
2 days.
- Different areas and articles in the 11,000 sqft space were prioritized according to their frequency and volume of usage and the DVR process was mapped accordingly.
- A pre-DVR diagnostic test was done on the most used articles – seats and door handles.
- Meticulous light -duty cleaning and wipe- down of surfaces was carried out to remove dust and loose debris.
- Disinfection and viral remediation was carried out with Purbloc, the ultimate surface protectant which is water-based non-toxic, food-safe, residue-free and pH Neutral, and completely free of any volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which makes it absolutely safe for use on sensitive electronics, equipment and regular household objects.
- A post-DVR diagnostic test was conducted on the previously tested surfaces using the EnSURE Touch UltraSnap Surface ATP Test System.
Diagnostic statistics
- Before Kleen360’s DVR – 970 RLU (ATP bioluminescence measurement).
- Immediately after DVR – 0 RLU.
- On the 8th day after the DVR (as part of the complimentary follow-up service) – 2 RLU*.
Results & Benefits
- A doubly safe and clean environment for the guests to stay in and recover with complete peace of mind.
- No damage to expensive equipment because of minimal overspray and reliable disinfectants.
- Zero downtime before the premises could be used after DVR and hence no inconvenience to the staff and guests.
Contact Info:
Phone: 888-717-0360
Website: kleen-360.com
*Acceptable limit is 60 RLU Note: Meters based on adenosine triphosphate (ATP) bioluminescence measurements in relative light units (RLU) are often used to rapidly assess the level of cleanliness of environmental surfaces in healthcare and other settings.