Restaurant Cleaning Guide – Part 2
Now that you are familiar with the general cleaning requirements for the lobby & reception areas, dining halls, kitchen and storage spaces in your restaurant, let us move on to the sometimes overlooked locations. Speaking of overlooking, professional restaurant cleaning companies are known to train their crews extensively in the restaurant cleaning and sanitizing protocols. Which means you do not have to worry about dirty corners and hard-to -reach places if you hire Kleen360 for the cleaning, sanitizing, disinfection and viral remediation of your restaurant! You can visit for other reasons, including sound financial ones.
Did you know that Kleen360 cleaning procedures take into account the specific schedules set aside for the inspection of your Kosher restaurant, and are flexible to accommodate the different operating hours? Kleen360 uses only cleaning agents that are acceptable for use in Kosher facilities. Extra care is taken to carefully separate utensils, ovens, stoves and other kitchen equipment, even while cleaning, to maintain purity according to Kosher standards.
With the Health Inspection protocols and Health Inspection scores in mind, Kleen360’s trained representative and I discussed the importance of regular cleaning of not only the kitchen, but the food storage areas, raw material unloading zones, the ice machines, freezers and the cabinets used to store kitchen utensils and bottles as well. gives a good view of the procedures followed for your reference.
Two factors that are extremely important in restaurant cleaning are:
- The cleaning agents have to be absolutely food-safe, zero toxic and non-chemical.
- The cleaning crews need to be extremely well trained in the latest cleaning equipment and gadgets
This would lead to the efficient performance of perfect cleaning procedures with no damage to any of the sensitive and fragile equipment and objects in the premises.
Kleen360 scores on both counts with NSF-51 approved disinfecting agents and cleaning products with no VOC. With more than 22 years of experience in the field and still counting, Kleen360 provides effective training to its crews on all the state of the art cleaning techniques and equipment currently available. What’s more, Kleen360 can also train your own staff in the everyday cleaning procedures to help you save time and money! Do check out what Kleen360’s clients say about their services.

With expansion of indoor dining on the horizon, Kleen360’s unique process gives both our staff and our patrons the confidence to return to restaurants…

Steven Hartenstein
Stefani Restaurant Group
Waste disposal is often not given the importance it deserves because most of it happens outside your restaurant. But untimely removal of waste from overflowing trash cans can lead to the proliferation of pests and vermin which will not bode well for your restaurant’s safety standards. Regular emptying of waste bins and a good supply of empty spares are essential for the cleanliness of your restaurant premises.
Some important surveys show that restaurant customers look for physical signage/display of cleanliness procedures and assurance. The certificate received through Kleen360’s Facility Safety Accreditation Program (F-SAP) can be a major confidence booster to your customers. Kleen360 also delivers decals, table tops, stickers and social media badging for better visibility of your restaurant’s safety!
With periodic deep cleaning, disinfection and viral remediation from Kleen360 of my restaurant, and with the effective training Kleen360 provides for my own staff, I am confident of maintaining excellent standards of cleanliness and safety in my restaurant. And no more worries about the Health Inspection visits too. You can call Kleen360 at (888) 717- 0360, or click on for that peace of mind which comes from owning and maintaining a truly clean restaurant. Why wait? Call now!