We are sensitive to the needs of businesses which serve a high frequency of clients, staff, and vendors; and can leverage our extensive experience in business settings such as yours, gleaned from hundreds of case studies in primary markets nationally, with an economically and environmentally sustainable process of destroying bacteria and viruses.
What do we do for you?
Our Disinfection & Viral Remediation (DVR) Service eliminates:






Enveloped Viruses*
with a non-toxic and residue-free barrier that maintains efficacy on porous and non-porous surfaces for up to 90 days.
*Including the pandemic-causing viruses

Our non-toxic and residue-free protocols for disinfection and long-term remediation are well-suited for commercial spaces across all asset classes, including those which contain in-suite amenities, sensitive electronics, or other furniture, fixtures, and equipment (FF&E). We can develop customized tactics using proven strategies to ensure they are congruent with your mission to safeguard the well-being and instill confidence in those on-site, as you begin to contemplate steps to normalize business and operations.
Investing only in conventional means of disinfection would not be cost effective; nor could it be reasonably achieved in your facility – given the anticipated movement velocity of staff, clients, and vendors – without business interruption, due to multiple disinfectant treatments, daily.
Disinfecting only kills the bacteria or strain for the duration of that product’s dwell time (or contact time), which is the amount of time the treated surface must remain visibly wet in order to kill pathogenic microorganisms, before the disinfectant evaporates or is wiped off. Therefore, there is absolutely no efficacy to kill or protect against harmful bacteria beyond a disinfectants dwell time. We use disinfectants (only products on the ‘N-List’ that meet the EPA’s criteria for use against pandemic-causing viruses), only once in our Viral Remediation Process.

While this barrier itself is exempt from EPA registration under 40 CFR 152.25(a), the active ingredient in Purbloc® is registered with the EPA as an antimicrobial agent (BIOSAFE, EPA registration No. 83019-1) that when used as a coating, is proven safe and non-toxic on any hard surface, fabrics, or food contact surfaces,and provides an invisible shield when applied.
The science which underpins Kleen360’s 90-Day Efficacy Guarantee, Nano Formulation Technology, can be summarized as the manipulation of chemistry to produce the same atoms and molecules on a macro-scale, and greatly enhances material performance, uses, and public safety.
(please see: https://www.nano.gov/nanotech-101/what/definition).